Tuesday 9 October 2012

Tech News Govt financial commitment protects £1 billion dollars for school and personal research

World major technology tasks are getting a £1 billion dollars combined industry, school and Govt increase, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt. Hon Henry Osborne MP and the Reverend for colleges and technology, Rt. Hon Bob Willetts MP, declared today.

The Govt will add £200 million of new cash to the UK Analysis Collaboration Investment Finance (UK RPIF), assisting long-term school capital tasks. The fund, which released with a government financial commitment of £100 million at Budget 2012, was intensely oversubscribed and obtained an frustrating variety of top quality offers. This additional support will more than dual the variety of tasks that will benefit.

To access the cash, colleges must go with the financing by at least dual from personal companies or non profit organizations – taking the total financial commitment, such as universities' own efforts, to at least £1billion.

As well as assisting the best suggestions already posted by colleges, the fund will now reopen for further offers.

Subject to final due persistence from the Higher Knowledge Funding Authorities for Britain (HEFCE), effective tasks from the first circular of firms for the fund include:

  • A £60 million partnership between the University of Birmingham and Rolls-Royce for a world-leading research centre for high temperature metallurgy and associated processes for components including turbine blades. This will ensure a more effective translation of fundamental research to production and train engineers from apprenticeships to postdoctoral fellows.

  • A £32 million partnership of the University of Oxford and a consortium including UCB Pharma, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Boehringer Ingelheim and Takeda for a new centre for drug target discovery and for research based on medical data sets. Bringing together academia, industry and the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, with capability to analyse massive medical datasets, it will help deliver improved medicines, better health care, and economic growth from UK's life sciences.

  • A £92 million partnership between the University of Warwick, Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) andTata Motors European Technical Centre (TMETC) for a new National Automotive Innovation Campus. This will develop new technologies to reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. It will also address a shortage of skilled R&D staff in the automotive supply chain. JLR and TMETC, working with Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) at the University of Warwick, envisage a 10-fold return on investment through improved products, processes and services.

  • A £138 million partnership of the University of Oxford and a consortium including Synergy Health, Cancer Research UK, Roche Diagnostics, GE Healthcare and the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, to establish a new world-leading centre for targeted cancer research. This will take an all-encompassing approach to patients with early stage cancer, to develop, test and implement personalised minimally invasive treatments, combined with targeted diagnosis, imaging and therapy.

  • A more than £35 million partnership between the University of Surrey and industry consortium including many of the mobile communications global industry leaders to build new collaborative international research centre which will support the development of 5th Generation cellular communications. The 5G Centre will provide real-time experimental facilities to underpin the development of new mobile broadband internet products and services.

  • A £38 million project at the University of Dundee, with co-investment from the Wellcome Trust and others, contributing to a new centre which will increase the scope for translating life sciences research into global healthcare solutions in areas such as cancer, infectious diseases, eczema and diabetes. In collaboration with major pharmaceutical companies, it will help reduce the costs of bringing safe new drugs to market.

  • A £33 million partnership between the University of Liverpool and Unilever to develop a state-of-the-art materials chemistry research hub, the 'Materials Innovation Factory', providing an unparalleled suite of open-access facilities. It will help accelerate research and reduce new product discovery times relevant to range of sectors including sustainable energy, home and personal care, pharmaceuticals, paint and coatings, thus helping to drive economic growth and international competitiveness.

The fund is handled by HEFCE, working with its alternatives in the devolved companies. Universities bid for between £10 million and £35 million per venture. Programs are assessed on value for cash and must build on current powerful research ability.

In May 2012 HEFCE released a two level process by attractive movement of interest for financing, which shut in July. These were considered by an separate evaluation board and a variety of elevated to your shortlist visitors were welcomed to get ready more specific business cases for evaluation. Further tasks will be declared in due course.

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