Saturday 13 October 2012

Tech News EPEAT Declares Newest Laptop computer Confirmation Findings

Green gadgets ranking program verifies that all items examined met extensive ecological criteria

EPEAT these days launched the results of a verification procedure that examined five different "ultra-thin" laptops to determine their conformance with the natural ranking body strict specifications. These items had come under close analysis in community conversations this past summer. Products from Apple, Lenovo, New samsung and Toshiba were examined in this verification procedure. All items examined met the specifications of the specifications analyzed.

"EPEAT is dedicated to nurture eco-friendly gadgets and to give buyers the resources to assess natural statements," said John Disc throwing, CEO of EPEAT. "The body extensive ecological evaluation procedures result from a powerful share owner cooperation that includes buyers, government, producers, website pages and educational members. This latest series of strict research shows the power of that approach."

The conclusions launched these days are the finale of a long evaluation of a variety of particular specifications – and of a wide array of notebook items authorized in the EPEAT program. Specific areas of issue resolved involved whether items could be improved, if resources were generally available to accomplish improvements, and whether materials of issue such as battery power could be easily eliminated from ultrathin items.

To make sure the reliability of the personal computer, EPEAT started a variety of fundamental queries. These included:

  • a ask for for official explanation of the conventional specifications from the separate Item Confirmation Panel (PVC) – a group of experts on gadgets and ecological issues who provide presentation of complying specifications and rule on verification findings

  • a extensive evaluation of openly available specialized information for notebook items in the EPEAT personal computer.

  • an separate verification research for those items where community information did not take care of questions of potential nonconformance.

For the verification research, EPEAT hired with a specialized check lab to individually purchase these devices on the start industry, and take apart them according to the guidelines offered.

Following their disassembly research, the check lab recommended that all the items be discovered to fulfill EPEAT specifications. After examining the data and suggestions offered by the lab, the PVC discovered all examined items to be in conformance with EPEAT specifications, cleaning the way for all the items examined to remain on the EPEAT personal computer. Extra information of the research may be discovered below.

The information obtained through these research will help stakeholders currently involved in upgrading the PC/Display conventional to make sure that the specifications address the industry direction and design enhancements leading toward slimmer, less heavy items.

Clarification of Standard Requirements

The EPEAT PVC determined that, based on the clear terminology of the relevant specifications, items could be considered upgradable if they included an externally-accessible port through which additional capacity could be provided to the authorized product (or if they could be improved through physical replacement of parts).

The PVC also decided that resources required for disassembly or update of authorized items are considered 'commonly available' if they can be purchased by any individual or business on the start industry, are not exclusive and do not require contracts between the customer and owner.

The PVC dropped to specify accurate factors for what comprises "easy and safe" disassembly or removal of elements, because they mentioned such terms could include different information with regards to the details of the item class in question and must be confirmed in action.

Comprehensive Review and Surveillance

EPEAT staff performed a detailed surveillance review of all small and light products registered in the system. This review identified specific types of ultrathin construction that seemed most likely to encounter issues meeting the criteria of concern. This eliminated the majority of products under review, and left five products from four manufacturers with significant unresolved questions relating to conformance.


Investigation of the remaining five products was conducted through a formal verification investigation. In keeping with EPEAT's standard approach, manufacturers subject to investigation were not notified in advance, and investigation was based on product registrations prior to the verification notification. (For more about verification in EPEAT, see )

EPEAT requested standard disassembly instructions from each manufacturer for the products in question, then commissioned a technical test lab to independently purchase these devices on the open market, and disassemble them according to the instructions provided. Lab personnel were not trained recycling professionals, so they could be expected to provide more universally applicable data regarding questions of time and ease of disassembly than would a demonstration by a recycler.

The lab disassembled each of the purchased products with full documentation of each disassembly process, including its overall duration. Time for total disassembly of each of the products was under 20 minutes in all cases; for the removal of batteries the time required was between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. As noted above, these times probably exceed what a skilled recycler would require. Given their findings, the lab recommended that all products be found in conformance with EPEAT requirements.

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