Wednesday 3 October 2012

GOWEX signs an contract with SNFC, biggest track owner in France, to give No price WiFi in the Stations

  • This contract, allow to millions of vacationer that check out Marseille, the Western lifestyle investment 2013, will appreciate of a 24 time No price WiFi assistance in the internal and the external of the place in Marseille St. Charles

  • GOWEX acquires the first contract with a Nationwide transport community in France, creating a major phase with the purpose of modifying the telecom landscapes in the nation with a no price of charge WiFi model "everywhere" Marseille, Oct 2nd

GOWEX organization leader in the development of maintainable WiFi Smartcities, has finalized an contract with the Nationwide Society of People from france Train (SNCF) creating a first phase on the purpose of modifying the telecom landscapes in France, through the generalization of No price WiFi "everywhere". This first place release contract will permit today to GOWEX to provide No price WiFi in "Marsella St. Charles", the major place of Marseille.

Endorsed by their experience in developing WiFi Intelligent tasks in Transport organizations all over the globe, as the lately inaugurated in City de London, GOWEX has obtained their first contract with a national transport organization in France, SNCF major track owner in the nation. That has over 100 thousand travelers in their top rate teaches over a season. Also, the number of activity creates them the second track organization in the Western Nation.

Free WiFi and low price traveling in Marseille

This yearly contract creates the travelers at the place of "Marseille St. Charles" to be able have fun with of a no price of charge 24 hours WiFi relationship with a routing rate 512 killerbytes per second, in the internal and in the outdoor esplanade.

At the place of Marseille St. Charles, regular travelers and the over 10 thousand visitors are required to check out the investment drawn by the designed social variety schedule with the purpose of the statement of Marseille, the Culture investment 2013, will be able to get around cost-free with their cellular phone gadgets in the place and in the Narvik square. Marseille, vacationer epicenter during next season and the second most inhabited city in France, it's the ideal place to continue the development velocity of development of WiFi smart places in France and in the Arena of GOWEX.

Recently, SNCF has declared their low price assistance of top rate teaches (TGV) that operate in the axis Paris-Lyon-Marseille-Montpellier that will give rise to increase considerable the number of predicted travelers for the next season, and consequently, the potential WiFi customers in the place of St Charles.

How to connect cost-free in the stations?

To begin the routing, the travelers will have to identify with their smart cellular phone gadgets (smartphones, pills, laptops etc.) the network WiFi_gratuit _gare_Marseille. Later on they will access to a approval page and after a quick registry, they will receive a sms and an email with the user and password that can get around cost-free and endless 24 time a day at a rate of 512 Kbit/s.

With the same identifier/login name, customers will have the chance of linking in all of the available wifi free networks of GOWEX in public areas or transport organizations in Bordeaux, London Buenos Aires or The city and in over 60 places all around the World. There is also a cellular app called GOWEX No price WiFi with iOs and Android operating system version that will allow localization and automatic relationship to the locations of the organization.

Wireless Intelligent Transport

During the last 2 years, the organization has provided to the generalization of the No price Wireless relationship in transport in the World through remarking tasks in European countries, offering wifi coverage without price to customers in city transport, intercity and vacationer in The city, in programs in the subterranean of London, in Latin-American offering a No price WiFi assistance in the Subte (underground), Metrobus in Buenos Aires, and in Japan will provide wi-fi relationship in the top rate teaches that cover the route Beijing-Shanghai with the contract established with CRSCS (second technological innovation TIC in track transport in China).

"In GOWEX we are extremely pleased to be able to provide No price and endless WiFi in passenger's place in Marseille St. Charles. This effort is an developing part of the global technique development technique of GOWEX, which include in to reaction the repeated income though the development of Wireless Intelligent places and Wireless Intelligent transport, that has made us to obtain 19 WiFi project in transport all over the globe," states Jenaro García, CEO of GOWEX.

Thanks for reading GOWEX signs an contract with SNFC, biggest track owner in France, to give No price WiFi in the Stations . For more info visit our web daily and bookmark. Thanks

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